Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Possible malfunctions and troubleshooting
Disturbances during normal operation (troubleshooting)
As an aid to troubleshooting and fault elimination, this chapter contains guidelines on
troubleshooting. The causes of these errors can be localized and rectified by checking the input and
sensor values.
Action: Troubleshooting
Check that the process gas is available at the correct pressure.
Check that the calibration gas is available at the correct pressure.
Check that the waste gas line is not blocked.
Check the position of the needle valves in the device.
Check that the supply voltage is available with the correct values.
Check the communication links.
Check the list in the “
Sensor values
” display for red entries
7.3.15 Display Q2 sensor values
The following describes action to prevent some errors. It is essential to obey all the safety regulations
when troubleshooting, particularly the following:
The device may only be opened by trained personnel with written authorization from the
operator having taken all the necessary safety precautions.//Do not disconnect cable
inlets in a potentially explosive atmosphere.//Do not loosen or unscrew the breather
element. //Use only explosion-proof, approved equipment.//There must be no potentially
explosive gas atmosphere.//Protect all open pipelines and connections from dirt.
//Before the device is switched on again, ensure that all the gas connections are sealed
and the grounding or PE wire is correctly installed.
Seul du personnel spécialisé titulaire d’une autorisation écrite de l’exploitant peut ouvrir
l’appareil, en respectant toutes les mesures de sécurité!
//Ne détachez pas les dispositifs
d’entrée de câble dans une atmosphère
explosible!//Il est interdit de détacher ou de
dévisser le dispositif d’évent!
N’utilisez que de l’équipement antidéflagration autorisé!
Les travaux ne doivent pas être effectués dans une atmosphère gazeuse
explosible!//Protégez tous les conduites et tous les raccords ouverts de la saleté!//Avant
de remettre en marche l’appareil, assurez
-vous que tous les raccords gaz sont étanches et
que le câble de mise a la terre ou le conducteur de protection est installé correctement.