Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Password guidelines and role-based access control
Each user has his own access data consisting of
user name
. The device checks the
access data, i.e. the user must be known to the device.
The device is supplied with standard users without password protection or password.
Honeywell recommends that you first set an administrator password and set up
passwords for all super users before operating.
L'appareil est fourni avec des utilisateurs standard sans protection par mot de passe ou
mot de passe. Honeywell vous recommande de définir d'abord un mot de passe
administrateur avant d'utiliser et configurer des mots de passe pour tous les principaux
Use the best practices for managing your passwords with the device. Special characters like the
equal sign "=" are allowed in passwords. Here are some best practices to make password attacks
more difficult:
Always change default passwords
e.g. your preset by the administrator or super user access data
Always use strong passwords (at least eight characters)
Always use a combination of higher and lower case letters, numbers and special
characters. Furthermore, protection increases with the length of the password.
The role-based authorization concept of the enCore device series is another tool for increasing data
security. Six different roles with six user profiles help to ensure correct operation with
correspondingly restricted access.
An administrator profile and five super user profiles (su1-su5) are always available.
The device is delivered without preset rights and access management.
Honeywell recommends the administrator to adjust the authorization concept before
operation. The table at the end of the section gives appropriate recommendations to
ensure safe use of the device.
L'appareil est livré sans droits prédéfinis ni gestion d'accès.
Honeywell recommande à l'administrateur d'ajuster le concept d'autorisation avant
l'opération. Le tableau à la fin de la section donne des recommandations appropriées pour
garantir une utilisation sûre de l'appareil.
The administrator profile or the administrator has unrestricted access to the device and manages
the other user profiles. The administrator is responsible for setting and transferring user
management to the device. Passwords and access rights must be assigned by her or him. The
Administrator should therefore have the appropriate equipment knowledge e.g. by participating in
a training course. The station operator usually takes on this task.
describes the necessary steps.