Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
factor Z
The quotient from the actual (real) volume of a specified mass of gas at a
specified pressure and temperature and its volume as calculated from the
Ideal Gas Law (for the same pressure and temperature). The compressibility
factor Z is generally dependent on the temperature, pressure and gas
CSA mark
The mark shows that the product has been certified by an accredited third-
party lab (independent standards organization) and have met applicable
standards as required by American law.
DBB technology
is a valve technology to seal gas streams. The connection of 2 solenoid
valves in series, between which there is a vent, ensures that the system is
safe even if the valves leak.
Density/Density at
base conditions
is the quotient of the mass of a gas sample and its volume in specified
pressure and temperature conditions or at base conditions, e.g. in kg/m³.
The density or density at base conditions is used to monitor the gas
composition and energy content of fuel gases.
is the generic term for all depictions and views on the computer and the
optional screen.
enCore devices
enCore is the name of the product platform for representatives of a range of
measuring devices based on similar modular hardware and software. Their
configuration is variable. In addition to the GasLab Q2, these include the
volume conversion device enCore ZM1, the signaling and monitoring unit
enCore MC1 and the flow computer enCore FC1.
The configuration and analysis PC software for current Honeywell Elster
devices in the field of flow computer, data storage, gas quality analyzer and
ultrasonic gas meter. The software supports all activities that are required for
commissioning and maintenance of these devices.
Error list
is used by the user to identify errors and reproduce the history of the error.
The start and end of a message is entered into the error list with a time
stamp and recorded in the logbook.
or note is generated if a measurement violates a state defined by the user.
The start is entered in the error list with a time stamp and logged in the
logbook. Notes cannot be accepted and are automatically deleted from the
error list after the cause of the note has ended.
Export value
The function blocks in the software supply results which can be processed
by other function blocks. These results are known as export values.
Firmware is software that is functionally fixed to device hardware
components. It is embedded or stored in the device and cannot be replaced
by the user.
Fiscal parameters are marked with this symbol .
They provide information about whether items can be edited when the SSW
is locked.