Chapter 4 Boot and Configuration
Hillstone SG-6000 X-Series Hardware Reference Guide
Chapter 4 Boot and Configuration
This chapter describes how to perform initial system boot and basic configuration of
Hillstone SG-6000-X series. The configuration uses PC as the console terminal.
Establishing a Configuration Environment
Hillstone SG-6000-X series supports both local and remote configuration.
Administrators can use the following configuration methods:
Console (CON) connection
Telnet or SSH
Console (CON) Connection
For initial system configuration, you have to establish a Console connection
environment (connect the device to a console terminal through its Console port).
To connect the PC to the CON port of the device, take the following steps:
Set up a local configuration environment. Connect the Console port to the serial
port of the PC through a console cable, as shown below:
Figure 4-1: Console Port Configuration
Run the terminal emulation program on the PC (e.g. hyper terminal of Windows
XP/Windows 2000) to set up a connection. Set the parameters of the terminal
session to 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, none parity, and none flow control,
as shown below:
CON port
Console cable
RS-232 serial port