2G40, 2G40 H
Operator’s Manual
The following information is taken from the official CARB website and this
page was last reviewed October 31, 2012. For the latest information please
see http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/offroad/preempt.htm
"The 1990 amendments to the federal Clean Air Act preempt California con-
trol of emissions from new farm and construction equipment under 175
horsepower. Emissions from these new engines are beyond ARB's authority
to regulate. The U.S. EPA has sole authority to establish emission standards
for these preempt engines used in new farm and construction equipment un-
der 175 horsepower. However, these equipment types may become subject
to ARB's In-Use Off-Road Vehicle Regulations which target diesel particulate
matter (PM) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions from in-use (existing)
off-road heavy-duty diesel vehicles, and hydrocarbons (HC) and NOx emis-
sions from in-use large spark-ignition (LSI) engine forklifts and other indus-
trial equipment. For more information, please refer to ARB's In-Use Off-Road
Vehicle Regulations web pages for in-use off-road diesel vehicles
(http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/ordiesel/ordiesel.htm) requirements.
Below is a description of applications for determining preempted equipment.
Please also see information regarding the federal non-road engine emis-
sions control program (http://www.epa.gov/nonroad/)
The following preemption list has been modified. At the request of industry,
staff has removed the term "Cleaners: high pressure" from the preemption
list to avoid confusion with pressure washers. This modification is intended
to clarify the ARB's interpretation that pressure washers have never been
considered preempt equipment.
Equipment types with engines less than 25 horsepower are presumed not to
be construction or farm equipment, with the exception of the following equip-
ment types, which have been determined to be construction or farm equip-
▪ Aerial devices: vehicle mounted
▪ Burners: bituminous equipment
▪ Asphalt recycler/reclaimer,
▪ Cable layers
▪ Augers: earth
▪ Chainsaws 45 cc and above
▪ Back-hoe
▪ Chippers
▪ Backpack Compressors
▪ Cleaners: steam, sewer, barn
▪ Baler
▪ Compactor: roller/plate
▪ Boring machines: portable line
▪ Compressors
▪ Breakers: pavement and/or rock
▪ Concrete buggy, corer, screed,
mixer, finishing equipment
▪ Brush cutters/Clearing saws
40 cc and above (blade capable
▪ Continuous Digger