Needle Bar Height
(2 of 2)
As you continue to turn the hand wheel toward you, the needle bar height gauge should
lightly skim the top of the gauge. There should not be a gap between the gauges and the
needle bar height gauge should not hit the radial gauge enough to shift the needle bar
If an adjustment needs to be made, provide resistance against the adjustment by holding
onto the needle bar with one hand, locate and loosen the hex screw with a 2mm hex tool on
the block that holds the needle bar in place. This is the larger of the two blocks on the
needle bar. Raise or lower the needle bar accordingly.
Do not turn the needle bar left or
, because this will affect the needle threader.
Note when the needle is installed
correctly the long groove should be straight at the front where the sewer is sitting
Retighten the needle bar driver screw. Recheck
the adjustment.