Illuminator User Manual
Page 6
All valid SMS commands are acknowledged with a response SMS confirming action taken.
Invalid SMS commands generate an appropriate response, advising the user of the problem.
The administrator can set up a help contact such as ‘John Smith on (0414)222-333’. These
contact details are added to the end of the SMS sent in response to an invalid command.
Once a user activates the lights, only he (or the administrator) can turn them off. This stops
practical jokes by other users.
If an authorised user “A” tries to activate the lights that are on and controlled by a user “B”,
the user “A” will take over the control of the lights. The Illuminator will stop charging the user
“B” and start charging the user “A”. This feature allows a new user to take control of the lights
without having to wait for the old user to turn them off first. It also prevents the old user who
forgets to turn off the lights at the end of his session turning them off later during the new
user’s session.
If an authorised user “A” tries to deactivate lights controlled by a user “B” via SMS, the user
“A” will receive a message advising that the lights are controlled by the user “B”, and the lights
will not turn off.
The keypad will always accept a command from an authorised user to turn off the lights,
however if the user does not currently have control of the lights they will not be turned off.
This is to confirm that they are no longer being charged for the lights in the case where they
are unaware the next user has already started their session.
A “Turn on delay” in seconds can be set if desired. It is used to eliminate large current draws
that can occur when multiple controls turn on at exactly the same time. With the “Turn on
delay” set to x seconds, the controls will come on in a staggered manner, x seconds apart.
If a user is allowed to turn the lights off, the command is accepted but the lights can be made
to continue stay on for a user configurable "Turn off delay" in minutes. This is particularly
useful for older (non-LED) type of lights to give a chance to a new user to turn the lights back
on without having to wait for the warm-up period.
The "Turn off delay" is not applied if the administrator turns the lights off outside the period of
control for normal users.
The lights turned on by normal users are automatically turned off at the end of the allowed
control period. Lights turned on by the administrator remain on until turned off by the
All activations, deactivations and the means of control (automatic, keypad, computer or SMS
from a mobile telephone) are logged by the Illuminator. The Illuminator stores the most recent
1000 events in its memory. This information is available to administrators in the form of a
usage report. The report can span a number of days and can be used to prepare customer
The section titled “Normal Operation” details the procedure on defining users, their PINs,
access rights etc.
Automatic e-mail reports
An Illuminator can be set up to send daily e-mail reports. At 3:00 AM, an e-mail will be sent to
up to three recipients. Each e-mail has a spreadsheet file attachment containing data logged
over the recent day(s).
The advantage of daily e-mail reports is in the Illuminator ability to automatically deliver or
“push” data without any user intervention.