Illuminator User Manual
Page 33
Switch (digital) and Event (digital) inputs are logged automatically when their state changes. A
switch/event input must be stable for a minimum of 3 seconds for a new state to be
Counter and Analogue inputs allow you to set their measurement units, whether you wish to
log them and if so, the minimum change required to be logged.
The minimum change for each input works in conjunction with the “Scan period” which is
common to all inputs and is also settable from this page.
In the example above, “Light Level” is measured in “lux”. It is checked for change every 5
minutes and logged if it changes by more than 3 lux. (If you want to log the level every 5
minutes regardless of by how much it changes, simply set the minimum change to 0.)
The same page also determines the logging of the 3 System Monitors. These are 3 additional
system inputs which monitor the battery charger status, battery voltage and system
temperature. System monitors logging is configured in a similar manner as described above.
You can also enable logging of the modem signal. The signal is logged when the Illuminator
connects to the internet in order to email you automatic reports. This can be useful for
Consumption multiplier on the bottom page is useful for counter inputs connected to water
and / or electricity meters. It allows you to obtain a cost in dollars by multiplying litres or kWh
reading by their cost. When set to a non-zero value, it does the conversion AND includes the
counter inputs in the automatic reports.
Leave this set to 0 if you do not want counter inputs to be included in automatic reports.
NOTE: this is distinct from "Calibrating Counter Inputs” discussed next. Calibration converts
pulses from utility meters into in meaningful units such as litres or kWh.
You can exit at any time without making changes by clicking the “Cancel” link.
Save the new values by clicking on the “Save” button.
Calibrating Counter Inputs (if present)
You can calibrate Counter Inputs in two ways:
1. You can scale them and
2. You can pre-set the counter to a particular reading
Scaling is used to make the counters read engineering values. For example, your electricity
meter may be producing 10 pulses per kWh of electricity (or to put it in another way, each
pulse corresponds to 0.1kWh). Hence, to make the counter input register in kWh, you would
set the scaler to 0.1.
NOTE: An Illuminator counts internally from 0 to 99,999 before it “wraps around” to 0. The
actual range will be multiplied by the “Scaler”. So, a scaler of “0.1” will produce an effective
counter range of 0 to 9,999.9.
It is often desirable to pre-set the counter to a particular value. Following our previous
example, you may want to make the Illuminator counter value the same as the reading on the