Illuminator User Manual
Page 5
Overview of Floodlight Control
The Illuminator provides two Operation Modes – Timer Mode and Club Controlled Mode.
Timer Mode
An On-time and an Off-time are entered for the scenarios desired to be run in Timer mode for
each day of the week. The lights will automatically turn on and off as set. This mode is useful
for controlling lights with regular use patterns such as lighted paths, clubhouses etc.
Club Controlled Mode
This is the most often used mode where the lights are controlled directly by users during
allowed periods of time.
The Illuminator recognises two different types of users: an administrator and a number of
“normal users”.
The administrator has complete control over all floodlights. He or she can turn on and turn off
any light at any time, without time off delay. Furthermore, the administrator can override any
command issued by a “normal user”.
The administrator first decides during what period during the day “normal users” will be
allowed to control the lights. Each light scenario can have its own separate period.
The administrator can allow up to 49 “normal users” to control the lights. Each user is given a
different 4-digit PIN and the authority to control specific light scenarios.
The PINs and the access rights can be changed by the administrator as often as desired.
Lights are normally turned on and off by either:
1. sending an SMS command to the Illuminator, or
2. typing the same command into the numeric keypad
Administrators can also control the lights by accessing the Illuminator with a computer.
The SMS/keypad commands have the following format:
where: PPPP is the four digit PIN
A is action, either 1 for ON, or 0 for OFF
L is one or more light scenario IDs
# terminates the command on the keypad
Example 1: user PIN is 2345, authority to control light scenario 6
- turn on light scenario 6
- turn off light scenario 6
Multiple scenarios can be turned on or off in the same command.
Example 2: user PIN is 7777 and they have the authority to control light scenarios 2 and 3,
the commands are:
- turn on light scenarios 2 and 3
- turn off light scenarios 2 and 3
- turn off light scenario 3
Note: # is optional in SMS commands