Illuminator User Manual
Page 34
It is best to perform the calibration while the light is off. This will ensure that the electricity
meter reading remains unchanged during calibration.
Perform the calibration as follows.
1. Record the actual electricity meter reading. Let’s call this number ‘M’
2. If not already displayed, access the “Change Setup” page as described in “Setting up
an Illuminator for the first time” earlier in this section. Select ”Calibrate Electricity
Meter” (or whatever your input is named) from “Select Input to Calibrate”. A page
giving calibration choices will be displayed.
3. Input the appropriate scaler as described above
4. Click the “Save” button
5. Click the “Exit Change Setup” button
6. Click “Inputs” on the blue menu pane on the left
7. Record the current reading for the appropriate input that the electricity meter is
connected to. Let’s call this number ‘R’
8. Access the “Change Setup” page again. Select ”Calibrate Electricity Meter” (or
whatever your input is named) from “Select Input to Calibrate”
9. Record the Offset value shown in the web page. Let’s call this number ‘O’
10. Calculate new offset ‘N’ using the formula N = O + M - R
11. Enter ‘N’ into the Offset field on the web page
12. Click on “Save” to save the calibration
You will need to perform the calibration procedure for all inputs connected to electricity
You can exit at any time without making changes by clicking the “Cancel” link.
Scaling Event Inputs (if present)
You can scale Event Inputs by specifying a “Scaler”. A new scaled value obtained by
multiplying the raw counter reading by the “Scaler” will be used for all functions including
logging, alarms etc.
If scaling is not required, simply leave it set to “1”.
NOTE: Scaled inputs will no longer wrap around from 99,999 to 0. The “wrap-around” value
will be affected by the “Scaler”.
If not already displayed, access the “Change Setup” page as described in “Setting up an
Illuminator for the first time” earlier in this section. Select ”Calibrate <name of input>” from
“Select Input to Calibrate”. A page giving calibration choices will be displayed.
You can exit at any time without making changes by clicking the “Cancel” link.
Save the new values by clicking on the “Save” button.
Calibrating Analogue Inputs (if present)
Analogue inputs should be calibrated prior to being used.
The system offers a choice of calibration methods:
1. 2-point calibration
2. Manual calibration
2-point calibration
Let’s continue with the previous example and calibrate a 4-20 mA light level transducer with a
0 – 10000 lux range connected to Input 3. We will firstly use the “2-point” calibration method.