trouble shooting
file: n:\article\cos14310m5-v1.04hpc-en\20080901_cos14310m5-v1.04hpc-en_manual_h-p-cosmos_running_machine.doc
© 2008 h/p/cosmos sports & medical gmbh [email protected] created 01.09.2008 printed 08.10.2008 page: 119 of 176
Expulsion fuse at devices with external switching cabinet
Fuses in cabinet for power supply unit
The running machines are equipped with an expulsion fuse at the front of the device / frontal section below the hood or
in the interior section (depending on your model).
Under the motor cover you can find the power supply for the electronic control unit, inside the housing of the power
supply are one (sport and fitness machines) / two (medical devices) secondary fuses. In the cabinet for the power
supply is a primary fuse, and at devices for the medical application up to construction size 190/65 additionally two
secondary fuses for 12V DC and 24V AC. Furthermore you will find the secondary fuse of the isolation transformer
underneath the engine hood at devices for medical application.
Interference factor
Electrostatic Discharge
If the user moves around the devices they can be electro statically charged with up to several thousand volts. If
then the user touches a metal piece, keys or display, it can lead to an electrostatic discharge between the user and
the device. Electrostatic discharges can in certain cases result in an interference of the device. Generally those
electrostatic discharges are without harm for the user as well as for the device, but can be quite unpleasant. The
main causes for electrostatic discharges are the choice of clothes, the sole of a shoe and the movement. Very dry
air and many light fittings can also lead to the same results.
Solution: Try different clothes or shoes, humidify the air in the room, and switch part of the light fittings off. Please
inform the manufacturer if you detect such interference.
Source of Interference
The devices should not be installed near to e.g. an x-ray device, motors or transformer with high connection
power, as the electric and magnetic interference can falsify measurements. Very strong sources of interference
(e.g. above the limit according to EMT) can influence the functions of the device.
High-tension power lines nearby and electrical devices without
- sign and without a certificate of compliance for
electro-magnetic-tolerance should be avoided as well.
Pay special attention to the EMC (electro magnetic compatibility) data and manufacturer’s declaration in the
chapter „technical data / EMC“ of this manual.