P a g e
GRP260x Administration Guide
Secondary Outbound Proxy
Defines secondary outbound proxy that will be used when the primary proxy
cannot be connected.
User account information, provided by your VoIP service provider.
SIP Authentication ID
SIP service subscriber's Authenticate ID used for authentication. It can be
identical to or different from the SIP User ID.
SIP Authentication Password
The account password required for the phone to authenticate with the SIP
server before the account can be registered.
After it is saved, this will appear as hidden for security purpose.
The SIP server subscriber's name (optional) that will be used for Caller ID
display (e.g., John Doe).
If the phone has an assigned PSTN telephone number, this field should be
set to "user=phone". A "user=phone" parameter will be attached to the
Request-URI and "To" header in the SIP request to indicate the E.164
number. If set to "Enable", "tel:" will be used instead of "sip:" in the SIP
Voicemail Access Number
Allows users to access voice messages by pressing the MESSAGE button
on the phone. This value is usually the VM portal access number.
BLF Server
Configures the BLF server (optional) used for SUBSCRIBE requests.
Account Display
When set to "Username", the LCD will display the Username if it is not empty
and when set to "User ID", the LCD will display the User ID if it is not empty.
UCM User Password
Enter the UCM password in order to log into the UCM user settings.
Network Settings
DNS Mode
This parameter controls how the Search Appliance looks up IP addresses
for hostnames. If "Use Configured IP" is selected, please fill in Primary IP,
Backup IP 1 and Backup IP 2.
A Record
Use Configured IP
Maximum Number of SIP
Request Retries
Sets the maximum number of retries for the device to send requests to the
server. In DNS SRV configuration, if the destination address does not
respond, all request messages are resent to the same address according to
the configured retry times. Valid range: 1-10.
DNS SRV Failover Mode
Configures the preferred IP mode for DNS SRV. If set to "default", the first IP
from the query result will be applied. If set to "Saved one until DNS TTL",
previous IP will be applied before DNS timeout is reached. If set to "Saved