1. Make sure that the antenna has a clear view
of the sky in order to receive satellite signals.
2. Turn on the receiver and the TV set. For
details about the use of the receiver and the
TV set, please refer to the relevant user man-
uals provided by the manufacturers.
3. Standard configuration: On the control unit,
by means of the relevant selector (A), select
the desired satellite.
4. Turn on the control unit (set (B) key to ON).
5. After a few seconds, the led (C) turns red, and
this means that the antenna is searching for
the signal.
6. If the antenna has found a satellite signal, the
led turns orange and starts checking that the
found satellite is the selected one. Verifica-
tion can take up to 30 seconds.
7. If, after a few seconds, the led turns green, it
means that the found satellite was the cor-
rect one. Otherwise, the led turns red again,
and the procedure is restarted.
8. With green led, after a few seconds, the
image will appear on the TV set. Follow the
instructions appearing on the screen to set
the parameters for a correct operation of the
9. Automatic stand-by function:
once the satellite has been verified (green led
on the control unit), after about 2 minutes that
the boat did not move, the antenna stops in
the position where signal reception from the
satellite is maximum.
A level decrease of the received signal or a
total shift of the boat of 6° in two minutes
“wake the antenna up” in order that it recov-
ers the maximum receivable signal level.
If the led flashes alternately red and green, this
means that the antenna is not connected to the
control unit or that a failure has occurred. Con-
tact the Service Centre.
A. Satellite selector
B. Power on key
C. Led
Fig. 39