Gill Instruments Ltd
MetPak/MetPak RG and MetPak Pro Base Stations
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Issue 1
Doc. No. 1723-PS-0023
October 2018
Thank you for purchasing a MetPak Base Station unit manufactured by Gill Instruments Ltd.
To achieve optimum performance we recommend that you read the whole of this manual before
proceeding with use.
Gill products are in continuous development and therefore specifications may be subject to change
and design improvements without prior notice.
The information contained in this manual remains the property of Gill Instruments and should not
be copied or reproduced for commercial gain.
All the MetPak Base Station range equipments are Professional multi-sensor instruments that
measure the most essential weather parameters. They also provide a data collection system that
allows customers to add their own selection of sensors to meet local requirements.
Wind Measurement can be chosen from a variety of 2 and 3 axis Gill anemometers, please refer to
section 2.1.3 for the full list of compatible sensors.
Temperature and Humidity are measured and Dewpoint calculated using an industry standard
probe housed in a naturally aspirated radiation shield. Barometric pressure is measured using an
industry standard sensor.
The MetPak RG Base Station allows in addition for the customer to use a tipping bucket for Rain
The MetPak Pro Base Station allows in addition for the customer to add up to four sensors. One
PRT (temperature sensor), one digital (contact closure rain gauge) and two analogue inputs (4-
20mA or 0-5V) e.g. water level sensor, Pyranometer, pressure sensor, soil temperature etc. Other
types of sensors may be added limited by the number of inputs available.
MetPak Range Base Stations combine all the instrument data into a single combined data string.
They may be configured for digital ASCII RS232/RS422/RS485 (2 wire point to point), digital
MODBUS RTU/ASCII and SDI-12 outputs.
The Base Station electrical Hub box comes with a pre-installed 10 Metre cable to connect to a Gill
Wind Sensor. There is one cable glasn for the installed Temperature/Humidity sebnsor.There is
one cable gland allocated to provide entry for termination of other sensors and one cable gland for
data/power cables.
A separate Junction box (optional accessory) is available for termination of external sensors,
power and communication cables.
A separate Heater Interface box (optional accessory) allows for termination of the Base Station 10
Metre cable to a heated Wind Sensor and Heater power supply.
The instrument uses a rugged mounting clamp that attaches to any vertical pipe up from 30mm to
58mm diameter.
Base Station (10 Metre cable not shown)