Gill Instruments Ltd
MetPak/MetPak RG and MetPak Pro Base Stations
Page | 74
Issue 1
Doc. No. 1723-PS-0023
October 2018
All registers are 16bit.
The first byte is high order and the second is low.
Each measurement is comprised of two 16bit registers.
For all registers, the order of the two data bytes comprising the 16-bit register's value shall
be: High Byte/Low Byte.
For each 32-bit data type (whether floating point or integer), the order of the first pair of
bytes and last pair of bytes shall be: High Word/Low Word.
Registers start at address 40001.
Holding registers available in the order of the Base Station data string (which can be
established by the REPORT command in non-Modbus Gill ASCII Mode).
If measurements cannot be computed (i.e. a blank field in Gill mode output string), their
Holding Register contents shall be set to the Maximum Positive value (0x7FFFFFFF for
32-bit format data (both floating point and integer), and as 0x7FFF for 16-bit format data).
See Simply Modbus program reading example MetPak Pro Base Station MODBUS Data as