Gill Instruments Ltd
MetPak/MetPak RG and MetPak Pro Base Stations
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Issue 1
Doc. No. 1723-PS-0023
October 2018
Analogue 4-20mA Input Connections (Sensor Powered) AN1 and AN2
This is not a default setting; ensure the MetPak Pro Base Station has been configured for this
input requirement before wiring sensors to the Base Station.
See previous picture for Power and Communication Connections.
Analogue 4-20mA Input Connections (MetPak Pro Powered) AN1 and AN2
This is not a default setting; ensure the MetPak Pro Base Station has been configured for this
input requirement before wiring sensors to the Base Station.
See previous picture for Power and Communication Connections.
NOTE: If the input current drops below 4mA, an X will be shown in the data string instead of
a valid reading. If the current rises above 20mA, an E will be shown in the data string
instead of a valid reading.