Getting Started
Adding Output Devices
Installing a GERBER EDGE or GERBER EDGE 2 using the USB-to-Parallel Option Kit
The USB-to-Parallel Option kit is a possible solution to connect your GERBER EDGE or EDGE 2
to OMEGA 2.5 or higher using a custom USB-to-Parallel cable. The kit is purchased separately
from OMEGA software.
Note: Not all USB ports have the capabilities to drive the GERBER EDGE 2. This option may
require the purchase of a third-part PCI or PCMCIA USB card (especially if you are using a
laptop computer), to connect to the GERBER EDGE/EDGE 2.
Kit Contents
Gerber custom USB-to-Parallel Cable
Installation instructions (An electronic version of the installation instructions is located
on the CD and can be accessed by browsing the CD.)
USB-to-Parallel Installation CD which will install the following update files:
USB Driver (version 2.0) composed of the following files:
Software update (for OMEGA 2.5 only) composed of the following files:
GQMgr.exe (version 2,5,0,11 or higher)
G32 Setup.dll
Note: If you have OMEGA 2.5.1 or higher on your computer, you DO NOT have to install the
software updates included on the USB-to-Parallel CD. You must install the GQMgr and G32
Setup.dll if you have OMEGA 2.5.
Requirements and Limitations
Note: You must have Administrative privileges to install the Gerber USB-to-Parallel driver on
your system.
After extensive testing, GSP® has found that some USB ports (especially on laptop computers)
do not have the capabilities to communicate with the GERBER EDGE/EDGE 2. If your
computer has any of the following difficulties, we recommend installing a powered USB card
which can be purchased at local computer stores or on-line.
Windows Fatal Exception Error Blue Screen when outputting to the GERBER
Data Error 3 when attempting to print to the GERBER EDGE/EDGE 2
GQMgr has communication errors when attempting to print
Pausing the GERBER EDGE/EDGE 2 causes a data error when attempting to resume
the job.