2. Re place bay o net re ceiver as sem bly as fol lows:
Each spacer should be fit ted against riv eted side of jaw re ceiver.
A small amount of ad he sive may be ap plied to each screw prior to
add ing lock washer and backplate.
a. Hold pile fab ric fas tener away from the in te rior hel met shell as sem bly. Re ferring
to Fig ure 3-17, in sert screws with lock wash ers through the backplate from the
in side of the hel met shell as sem bly. At tach jaw re ceiver and spacer to out side of
the hel met shell as sem bly. En sure that pro jec tions on jaw re ceiver are point ing
to ward the rear of the hel met shell as sem bly.
b. Tighten all screws so that jaw re ceiv ers and spac ers are firmly at tached to
hel met shell as sem bly.
c. Ce ment pile fas tener fab ric to in te rior of hel met shell as sem bly. Cut an
“X” pat tern in pile fas tener fab ric, across the screw heads, to fa cil i tate
in spec tion/tight en ing.
Fig ure 3-17. Bay o net Re ceiver As sem bly