5. Loosen the chin strap clamp screws,
and slide the clamps (Fig ure 2-3)
down as far as pos si ble on the
chin strap. Ad just the nape straps for
a snug fit. Slide the clamps to hold
the ad justed straps in place, and
tighten the screws.
6. If you can not achieve a snug fit by
ad just ing the nape strap clamps,
in stall spacer pads (sup plied with
the hel met) as needed be tween
the nape pad and the TPL.
7. If not al ready done, in sert the
end of the chin strap (Fig ure 2-4)
through the D-ring on the right side
(as worn) and fas ten the snap.
8. Have the aircrew mem ber
fas ten the chin strap as
fol lows (Fig ure 2-4):
a. Feed the end of the chin strap
through the D-rings on the left
side of the hel met (as worn).
b. Split the D-rings, and loop the
end of the chin strap through
the in ner D-ring.
c. Tighten the chin strap to the de sired
ten sion. There af ter, fas ten and
un fas ten the chin strap via the
snap on the right side (as worn)
of the hel met.
9. Slide the chinpad (Fig ure 2-4)
to the cen ter of the chin strap.
Using nee dle and thread,
tack the chinpad in place to
pre vent slip page.
Fig ure 2-3. Chin strap Clamps
Fig ure 2-4. Fas ten ing Chin strap