5. Have the aircrew mem ber don the hel met with the in stalled TPL by plac ing the front
edgeroll on the fore head and ro tat ing the hel met as sem bly rear ward down onto the
head. For proper eye off set, have the aircrew mem ber ro tate the hel met as sem bly
for ward to the po si tion on fore head that will al low him or her to see the front edgeroll
of the hel met as sem bly while look ing up ward.
6. Re ad just the earcup as sem bly in side the hel met as sem bly as nec es sary.
7. Ad just the chin/nape strap as sem bly, with out dis turb ing the eye off set. The nape
strap pad should fit snugly against the nape area of the aircrew mem ber’s head.
8. En sure that the hel met as sem bly fits prop erly with out hot spots or pres sure points on
the aircrew mem ber’s head.
In ex treme cases in volv ing large sizes, re moval of
TPL lay ers may be re quired for proper fit ting. If so, pro ceed as fol lows:
a. Re move TPL as sem bly from hel met as sem bly.
The hel met must al ways con tain at least two plas tic lay ers.
Hav ing
fewer than two lay ers will re duce hel met sta bil ity, which could ob struct
vi sion and re duce bump pro tec tion.
b. Re move lay ers from the TPL as sem bly one at a time, be gin ning with the layer
clos est to the head. Check for proper fit af ter each plas tic layer is re moved.
hel met must al ways con tain at least two plas tic lay ers.
9. Af ter fol low ing the pro ce dures listed above, if a safe, sta ble fit can not be ob tained,
then the TPL may be heat-soft ened and re shaped to aircrew mem ber’s head. To
re shape the TPL, pro ceed as fol lows:
a. Set oven rack to the low est po si tion and heat oven to 200°
5°F (93.3
Place ther mom e ter on the rack in a po si tion where it may be ob served
through out the en tire heat ing pro cess.
b. Thor oughly in struct the aircrew mem ber on the fit ting pro ce dures, em pha siz ing
those to be ac com plished by the aircrew mem ber.
c. Re move the TPL as sem bly from the hel met. Re move the cloth cover. Re place
the re moved lay ers in the or der in which they were re moved. Af ter the lay ers
have been re as sem bled, pass a heated sol der ing pen cil through all five lay ers
at the orig i nal at tach ment point. Re in stall the cloth cover.