e. Gently pry in ward and up ward on the en ergy-ab sorb ing liner to ob tain suf fi cient
clear ance to per mit grasp ing the liner with the free hand.
f. Main tain up ward pres sure and con tinue to with draw the liner from the in te rior
of the hel met shell. Ro tate the liner 90 de grees to the right or left to clear the
hel met earcup cav i ties.
2. In stall the re place ment liner.
Prior to in stall ing the re place ment liner, en sure all at tach ing hard ware
for vi sor con fig u ra tion which will be cov ered by liner is in place.
a. Ro tate the liner 90 de grees and place into hel met shell.
b. Re verse ro ta tion and place the front edge of the en ergy-ab sorb ing liner firmly
against the in side sur face of the front hel met shell edgeroll. En sure that the liner
is cen tered within the hel met.
c. Press the rear por tion of the liner into place, en sur ing that the rear edgeroll is not
pinched or curled un der the liner.
d. On in side sur face of the en ergy-ab sorb ing liner, in stall front and rear hook
fas tener tapes. All four fas ten ers should be ver ti cally in stalled ap prox i mately
1-1/2 inches (39mm) to the left and right of the liner cen ter line and ap prox i mately
1/4 inch (8mm) from the edge to avoid pres sure points.
3. En sure that the chin/nape straps have re mained routed through the nape pad and
no twists are pres ent.
4. Re con nect the nape pad and chin/nape strap grom mets to the rear at tach ment
points by re in stall ing the panhead screws, flat wash ers, lock wash ers and flanged
5. At tach the earcup as sem blies to the pile fas tener tape in the hel met shell earcup
cav i ties and route the com mu ni ca tions cord for the right earcup be tween the
en ergy-ab sorb ing liner and the rear edgeroll as re quired.
6. Re at tach the TPL to the en ergy-ab sorb ing liner.
7. Have aircrew mem ber don hel met; check fit in ac cor dance with Para graph 2-2.