EHS6 AT Command Set
18.6 AT^SFSA
Confidential / Released
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AT^SFSA Flash File System Access
provides access to the Flash File System. The following functionality is supported:
• Reading global status information, available storage and max. storage size
• Creating and deleting files and directories
• Reading file status information, e.g. file size, optional date
• Renaming files and directories
• Copying files
• Listing directory contents
• Computation and displaying CRC of a given file
• Reading and writing an arbitrary amount of data per call (max. 1500 bytes per single call)
• Providing random access to the file data and a seek function
Flash File System Requirements:
="gstat" shows the maximum memory space of the FFS (see
) and the free memory
space (see
). As the file system is block structured the
value will decrease only in
full block multiples. The block size is 1024 bytes.
Keep in mind that the entire memory space comprises both user data and internal resources for the file system
infrastructure. As a result, the free memory space depends on the file size, the number of files and the number
of created directories. In short, the more files / folders you create, and the more internal data is used from the
system, the less memory will be available for user data. If the limit is reached, the error code ^SFSA: 28 will be
Please consider the following rules for an efficient FFS management:
• The maximum number of directories is limited to 100. The maximum number of files is limited little more than
one thousand.
It is not possible to use
these maximum numbers of file system entries, the actual amount of files and
directories may be lower, because some of them are used internally by the Java system in the Java applica-
tion manager, e.g. for installed MIDlets.
Ensure not to fill up
the file system to its limits, otherwise the Java system may run into trouble.
• The subdirectory depth shall not be greater than 5.
• Allowed characters for path and file names:
- Path and file names are alphanumeric. Allowed characters: A - Z, a - z, digits, underscore, and special
characters used in file URL format defined in IETF RFCs 1738 and 2396.
- Character "/" is a separator for directories and files, e.g. /directory/my_sub_dir/my_file.txt.
- Both "." and ".." are illegal for directory names, "." as part of a file name is allowed.
- File and directory names are case-sensitive..
- Path names start with drive prefix "a:/" or "A:/".
• Length of files and paths (incl. drive prefix "a:/" or "A:/"): The maximum usable length is 127 GSM characters
and accordingly 31 UCS2 characters (depending on character set selected with
• If the file is in open status, it must be closed first before executing other file operations such as copy, rename
and remove.
• When OBEX functionality is switched off, i.e. starting the Module Exchange Suite is not permitted ( parameter
is "0"), then
file operation commands will CME ERROR: operation not allowed.
Test Command
"copy", (max. string length of
), (max. string length of
"crc", (max. string length of