SEER ™ 1000
2067634-131 Revision E
Japan RoHS
It indicates that the device or product complies with the Japanese
provisions, which restricts or prohibits the use of certain substances in
electrical devices. A green check mark (with G) refers to the fact that
the product does not exceed the limits of hazardous chemicals.
It refers to a fragile content. Handle with care.
It refers to the correct vertical position of a package.
maximum stack height
It indicates that one should not stack more than 5 product packages and
that you should not put any weight on top of the upper package.
Do not stack
Stresses that one should not stack the product packages and you should
not put weight on the package.
Protect from moisture
It indicates that it should protect the rain product packages and
other sources of moisture.
humidity limits
Refers to the upper and lower limit of humidity. The limits are
indicated next to the upper and lower horizontal line.
CE marking
With the CE marking and the approval number CE 0197 is confirmed
that the device complies with all relevant legislation and in particular
with the requirements of Annex I to Directive 93/42 / EEC of medicinal