blades. Only touch the blade assembly housing when handling the blades.
Handle with care when cleaning. Only store the appliance completely
assembled. This way the blades will be out of reach.
Ensure the appliance is properly assembled and that the blade is properly
attached before putting the plug into the power outlet. Never turn the appli-
ance on without the lid or the refill lid. Never place only the holder or the
blade only on the motorblock. Never touch the drive gear when the plug
is connected to the power outlet.
• Always keep one hand on the lid while processing. Using solid ingre-
dients (such as hard fruits or vegetable), overloading the blender jug or
processing with a slow speed, the motor could stuck, stall or run very
slow. In this case turn the appliance off to avoid overheating (see ›Trou-
ble shooting‹).
If the blade is mounted in the blender jug, the blender jug is
positioned on the motorblock, and the plug is connected to the power outlet,
do not insert your fingers, a wooden or plastic spoon or similar cooking uten-
sils or foreign substances in the blender jug. Always take the blender jug off
the motorblock before pushing the food down with a spoon.
Do not
chop extremely hard food, such as nuts with shell or bones becau-
se the blade could stall or block. Do not overfill the blender jug to avoid
overrunning, spurt out or that the motor stalls or stucks during operation. If
the motor stalls or stucks turn off the appliance (all buttons are deactivated
and the LCD timer screen is switched-off) to avoid overheating.
• Always operate the appliance near a suitable wall power outlet and con-
nect the appliance directly to the power outlet. Do not use any extension
cords or a multiple desk outlet.
• Ensure that the voltage rating of your mains power supply corresponds
to the voltage requirements of the appliance (230/240 V, 50 Hz, AC).
Always connect the appliance directly to a mains power supply wall
socket with protective conductor (earth/ground) connected properly.