• The taste and consistency of your espresso will not only depend on the type,
freshness, grind size, storage of the coffee powder, filling level of the filter bas-
ket, and water quality. Even the pressure applied for tamping in the filter basket
will have a great influence on the taste and consistency of the results.
• The extraction time is one of the essential parameters influencing the taste and
consistency of the coffee, and a result of the amount of coffee powder, tamping
pressure, and grind size (see below: ‘Extraction Guide’).
• If your espresso does not meet your requirements, you should only change one
of the essential parameters mentioned above at a time. Then check, if you have
got closer to your favourite taste. This way, you will succeed step by step.
• Pre-heat cups and portafilter before each extraction to maintain the correct tem-
perature of your espresso. For this, you may use the hot water function of the
appliance. Place cups and glasses onto the warming plate for keeping them
warm during the brewing process.
Only use completely heat-resistant vessels
(e.g. cups, glasses, and mugs) that
will not melt or crack.
Extraction Type
Coffee Starts Flowing Total Shot Duration
Over-Extracted (bitter and astringent)
too fine
after 12 seconds
over 40 seconds
between 8-12 seconds
between 25-35 seconds
Under-Extracted (underdeveloped, sour)
too coarse before 8 seconds
less than 20 seconds
• When texturing milk (e.g. for latte or cappuccino), you should
avoid using
, because even heat-resistant glass could crack due to the local heating
during texturing.
• Porcelain only slowly conducts heat. Thus, mugs made of porcelain need some
time to get hot, when the milk inside is heated, and the milk inside may have
a significantly higher temperature than the exterior of the mug. Therefore, if you
wish to get good temperature control use metal mugs for frothing. With a metal
mug, the optimum temperature is reached, when the exterior of the mug beco-
mes too hot to touch.
• For optimum milk texturing performance it is crucial that the hole in the steam