The Solution
Grinding System:
When grinding, the
results do not reach
the desired consi-
The grinding results
depend on the type
and freshness of
your food, the speed
selection, and the
processing time.
In most cases, you need to select another speed. Select a low-
er speed for getting a coarser result (e.g. granulates), select a
high speed level for a finer grind size (powder).
Grinding System:
The ingredients go
lumpy during grin-
The ingredients give
off too much oil or
Try to add some sugar or salt to absorb the oils/moisture.
The interior of the
grinding system has
been moist.
Always completely dry all parts of the grinding system, before
filling in your food. Especially at the blade assembly, residues of
moisture could remain after cleaning.
It seems to be
impossible to
unscrew the blade
assembly from the
glass container.
The blade assembly
has been screwed
on too tightly.
Get some help for unscrewing: one person holding the glass jug,
the second one clasping the collar of the blade assembly.
For locking the opti-
onal accessory to
the motor base, you
grasped the system
by the glass con-
DO NOT hold any of the optional accessories by the glass contai-
ner for locking onto the motor base. ALWAYS grasp the collar of
the blade assembly to avoid over-tightening the junction to the
glass container. Get some help for unscrewing.
Sticky food (e.g.
sugary juice) adhe-
res to the sealing
Soak the glass container in warm dishwater for approx. 1 hour.
Then try again. Get some help for unscrewing.
The sealing sur-
face of the glass
container has been
chipped when screw-
ing on the blade
Get some help for unscrewing. Do not use any chipped or cra-
cked glass parts for preparing food any longer to avoid injuries
due to splinters in your food! Replace the glass jug. Check the
sealing ring for damage, before using the sealing ring again.