We recommend using the designated juice jug, because some juices may froth
and splash at the juice spout. In any case, by covering the juice jug with the
appropriate lid, you avoid that splashes will escape from the juice spout.
For juicing, you may place any sufficiently large jug, drinking glass or mug
under the juice spout. In this case, keep in mind that splashing could occur and
juices could run down at the exterior of the used vessel.
Always ensure that the glass jugs (mixing or mincing jug) are
undamaged, before assembling the system.
Splinters of glass could cause severe
injuries and damage. Additionally, chipped edges or any dried on food at the
thread and/or sealing area of the processing container could cause leakage and
damage the blade assembly or sealing ring.
Ensure not to tilt the thread when screwing on the blade assembly.
Otherwise, the thread could get damaged and your food will run out. Do not over-
tighten the thread. If in doubt, check the seal by pouring some water into the glass
1. Select the required blade assembly and glass jug for blending, chopping, or
mincing (see: ‘Selecting the Optimum Processing System’ and ‘Tips for Best
2. Check, whether the glass jug, sealing ring, and blade assembly are completely
undamaged. Additionally, for getting a leak-free seal, the sealing surfaces must
be completely clean.
3. With the smooth side facing downwards, place the sealing ring into the blade
assembly. Ensure to insert the sealing ring into the appropriate groove at the
inner rim of the blade assembly.
4. Screw the blade assembly onto the glass jug by turning the blade assembly
clockwise. The connection must be tight and leak-free.
5. Pour some water into the glass jug for checking, if the seal is leak-free.