The Solution
The glass jug is lea-
king. Water is accu-
mulating under the
blade assembly.
The threads of the
blade assembly and
glass jug have been
Completely unscrew the blade assembly. Then position the
blade assembly newly for screwing it onto the glass container.
Ensure to mount the blade assembly without tilting the thread
to avoid leakage and damage to the thread (See: ‘Assembling
the Glass Jugs’).
The sealing ring
is missing or not
inserted correctly.
Before turning the blade assembly onto the glass container,
ensure to place a sealing ring in correct orientation into the
groove at the inner rim of the blade assembly. The ridged side
of the sealing ring must face upwards (See: ‘Assembling the
Glass Jugs’).
The junction bet-
ween blade assem-
bly and glass jug is
not screwed on as
tight as necessary.
Try to turn on the blade assembly a little more tightly. Due to
the sealing ring, there is a firm resistance when screwing on the
blade assembly.
The sealing surface
of the glass jug is
chipped or broken.
Replace the glass jug. Do not use any chipped or cracked glass
parts for preparing food to avoid injuries due to splinters in your
The sealing ring is
The sealing ring must be in proper working order. There may
be no tears, cracks, or brittle or worn out parts. Replace the
sealing ring.
There are residues
of food sticking to
the sealing surfaces
of the glass jug,
sealing ring, or bla-
de assembly.
Clean all sealing surfaces thoroughly, removing all dried-on
crusts and residues of food (see: ‘Cleaning the Optional Acces-
You cannot lock the
blade assembly on
the motor base. The
glass jug / grinding
cup is wobbling on
the motor base.
The coupling at
the bottom of the
blade assembly did
not slide onto the
drive coupling of the
motor base.
Without pressure, turn the blade assembly over the drive cou-
pling of the motor base to and fro, until the blade assembly
slides down and comes to a stable stand without any gap. Then
turn the blade assembly clockwise to lock it (see: ‘Processing
Your Food’).