Destination interface index
Packets sent
Octets sent
Packets received
Octets received
Sequential number for accounting message
By default, the following format instructions are entered in the Log Format field.
%d%t%a%c%i:%r/%f -> %I:%R/%F%p%o%P%O[%s]
16.3 E-mail Alert
It was previously possible to send syslog messages from the router to any syslog host. De-
pending on the configuration, E-mails are sent to the administrator as soon as relevant sys-
log messages occur.
16.3.1 E-mail Alert Server
The E-mail Alert Server menu consists of the following fields:
Fig. 202:
External Reporting
E-mail Alert
E-mail Alert Server
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
16 External Reporting
bintec R1xxx/R3xxx/R4xxx