SHDSL (only R3400 and R3800): Connect the SHDSL interface (SHDSL) of your
device to the SHDSL connection using the DSL cable supplied.
Mains connection: Connect the device to a mains socket using the mains adaptor sup-
Optional connections
• ISDN: Connect the ISDN interface (ISDN or ISDN-x) of the device to your ISDN socket
using the ISDN cable provided.
• Other LANs/WANs: Connect any other terminals in your network to the remaining switch
ports ETH2, ETH3 or ETH4) of your device using other Ethernet cables.
• Setting up a serial connection: For alternative configuration options, connect the serial in-
terface of your PC with the serial interface of the device. The serial interface can also be
assigned to Ethernet socket 1 (ETH1). Use the serial cable provided, and if necessary
connect your network to another Ethernet socket. However, configuration via the serial
interface is not provided by default.
• xDSL modem or DMZ: Connect the WAN interface ( ETH5/DMZ) of your device to an xD-
SL modem (not supplied) via another Ethernet cable or with the Ethernet connection on
your DMZ.
• PRI (only R4100): Connect the ISDN PRI interface (PRI-0 or PRI-1) of the device to your
PRI connection.
• X.21 (only R4300): Connect an X.21 interface on your device to your X.21/V.35 or
X.21/V.36 connection using a suitable cable (which you can order as an accessory for
your router). Make sure that you use an enabled X.21 interface. The left X.21 interface on
the back of the device is enabled by default ex works. The right X.21 interface can also
be enabled if licensed.
• UMTS (only R1200wu): Insert the UMTS card into the CardBus / UMTS slot.
The device is now prepared for configuration using the Funkwerk Configuration
2.5 Configuration of
In this chapter, you will learn how to prepare the configuration, which data you have to col-
lect first, how to perform configuration for a conventional ADSL connection, make adjust-
ments to the PC configurations in the network if necessary and test the connection when
the configuration has been completed.
2.5.1 Preparations
To prepare for configuration, you need to...
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
2 Quick Reference
bintec R1xxx/R3xxx/R4xxx