3 Using Your Machine
An icon indicating information on the status of the machine may appear in . In such cases, tap on to
check details.
When the User Authentication feature is enabled,
will appear in the upper part of . Tap it to display a
list of registered users, and you will also be able to switch accounts. For details, refer to "Using the User
Authentication Feature" (P.173).
[Address Book]
You can register an address to the address book, or edit/delete the contact information.
"Using the Address Book" (P.156)
You can check the job status or cancel active jobs. Also, you can print the print jobs stored in the
machine or the faxes received in the secure receiving mode.
"Canceling a Print Job" (P.58)
"Using the Secure Receiving Mode" (P.102)
You can configure the basic machine settings.
"Changing the Machine Settings" (P.115)
Tap to check the status of consumables usage.
Indicates whether and how many notifications are present.
Indicates that a job is in progress.
Indicates whether and how many saved jobs are present.