Step 1: Excavation
Step 2: Compact stone base
Step 3: Set pre-cast concrete
or pour concrete base.
H-20 and HS-20 load needs
concrete base.
Bearing power of soil should be
8.7PSI or more.
Installation Procedure for H-20, HS-20 with Support Columns
Pre-cast concrete base
Unloading Instructions:
Upon delivery, inspect Fuji Clean tank, both outside and inside for possible damage incurred during
transport. If you find damage, or have a question, please contact your distributor immediately.
Required Preconditions for this Installation Technique
Seasonal high groundwater depth must be less than 3’3” (1000mm).
Maximum riser height is 24 inches.
Bearing power of soil must be 8.7 PSI or greater.
Check the concrete is level to 1/8” per 2 feet
(10mm per 2 meter or 1/200),
(fore and aft as well as side to side).