Step 8 continued:
Alarm Panel shall be:
in a well ventilated area as dry and protected from elements as possible
in as close of proximity to FujiMAC air blower as possible
wired by licensed electrician
in a location that allows unencumbered access for inspection and maintenance activity
Step 9: For cold climate installations, please install insulated risers and covers and cover upper half of
treatment unit with min. R-8 value insulating material (i.e. foam board)
Step 10: Float switch electrical cord should exit riser wall through a male adaptor (caulked watertight to
prevent septic gas leakage) or watertight fitting. An interior connection to direct burial cable is also an
acceptable option.
Step 11: In nearly all cases, the Fuji Clean system will vent properly through the building’s septic influent
line. In cases where there is an influent pump, or in severe downdraft locations, a separate vent should be
considered. If you do choose to install a vent, be sure that the vent slopes toward the tank so that any
moisture accumulation drips back down toward the tank.
Step 12: During final landscaping, seeding etc., be sure to pitch final grade away from covers to sweep
surface water away from treatment tank.
Step 13: Complete Warranty Activation Card.
Step 14: Finalize Controller Wiring. Please have licensed electrician refer to wiring diagram (in Installer
Manual and enclosed separately in alarm/control panel). Upgraded Fuji Clean USA controllers are available
if telecommunications, elapsed time meter, data logging or other functions are required. Please contact Fuji
Clean USA for details.
Step 15: Follow start-up procedure detailed in Installation Manual:
1. Outside Environment Check
2. Blower Box Check
3. Blower Operation and Blower Alarm Check
4. Water Level is at Low Water Level
5. High Water Float Switch Check
6. Set Recirculation Control Valve. (gray)
7. Check Recirculation Flow Rate
8. Check/Set Aeration Balance Control Valve (blue)
9. Check/Set Effluent Airlift Valve (white)
10. Check Effluent Airlift Pipe
11. Add Disinfectant Tablets to Chlorinator (if appropriate)
12. Check Alarm/Control Panel and Air blower
13. Final Site Preparation
14. Owner Communication - Service Provider and Warranty Delivery
No-traffic Area Installation Procedure Checklist cont.
Fuji Clean USA ● 41-2 Greenwood Road ● Brunswick Maine 04011 ● Tel: 207-406-2927 ● Fax: 207-406-2929 ●