Sensors and Calibration
O2 Sensor #2
Fuel pressure
Air temperature
O2 Sensor #1
Engine temperature
Sensors and Calibration
Air temperature 1/3
Input selection
White 7: Avaliable
White 8: Pedal #2
White 9: Pedal #1
Temperature sensor type
Air temperature 2/3
Input value
Output value
Air temperature 3/3
Sensor offset
Input value
Output value
Air temperature 3/3
Sensor offset
The FT500/FT500LITE has fully customizable inputs, which allows to
read any 0-5V analog temperature sensor, since its temperature vs
voltage table is known. In this case, just select the custom option and
fill the interpoltation table through FTManager.
15.5 O2 sensor inputs
O2 sensor signal input can be setup on any sensors input of this
FT500 / FT500LITE. It is even possible to read fiftteen O2 sensors
simultaneously and show them on the screen. For wide band O2
sensors, it is necessary to use a wide band conditioner, for narrow
band O2 sensors, direct connection is allowed.
Be sure to connect the O2 conditioner to FT500/FT500LITE according
to the Chapter 12.7 of this manual.
WideBand O2
Air temperature
Engine temperature
NarrowBand O2
Fuel pressure
Sensors and Calibration
Wideband O2
Left bank
Right bank
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 5
Cylinder 9
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 6
Cylinder 10
Cylinder 3
Cylinder 7
Cylinder 11
Cylinder 4
Cylinder 8
Cylinder 12
General 2/3
CAN equipment to:
CAN ID: ---
Model: ---
CAN Port: ---
Input: ---
General 3/3
Make sure only 1 sensor is disconnected.
The reading will be associated to this position.
CAN network reading
Through CAN network the reading is sent directly to FT500 /
FT500LITE, the only configuration necessary is to indicate what is
the position of each sensor, this procedure is called “association”.
The association procedure is executed by disconnecting from the
conditioner a single sensor at time, this way the FT500 / FT500LITE
identifies and associates that sensor to the position of the engine
(cylinder 1, general O2 sensor).
Follow the steps and repeat for each O2 sensor:
1. Keep the conditioner connected and turned on and disconnect
the O2 sensor;
2. Press the Associate button on FT500 or on the “CAN
communication of FTManager” window;
3. Reconect the O2 sensor and repeat the process to all other O2
Analog input reading
The O2 sensor reading through an analog input is used either to narrow
band or wide band with conditioners that have analog output (FuelTech
WB-O2 Slim WB-O2 Nano WB-O2 Datalogger and Alcohol O2), Simply
set the sensor in any input of FT500 / FT500LITE (white wires).
It’s necessary to set the input scale according to the analog output of
conditioner used. If it’s a FuelTech conditioner select one of the preset
scales. For other manufacturers use the custom table. The narrow band
sensor reading is displayed directly in Volts.
Analog scales compatible with the FT are: