Engine settings
Enable outputs
Basically blocks any type of turning on outputs (injection, ignition and
auxiliary outputs).
Enable outputs
This options enables all FT500 outputs.
It must be the last thing to be setup before
cranking the engine. Until this is
done, no output will be activated.
Engine setup 1/7
7. Engine settings
FuelTech ECUs leave the factory without maps or adjustments, so you
need to create the injection maps, ignition and the inputs and outputs
settings before running the engine.
The FuelTech Default is an automatic calculation of the basic injection
and ignition maps for your engine based on the information provided
in the “Engine Settings”. Performing this automatic adjustment every
injection and ignition maps, including temperature compensation, etc.
will be filled based on your engine characteristics.
The information provided must be correct and consistent, maximum
RPM and boost values should be according to the engine capacity and
the injectors should be properly sized to the estimated engine power.
The use of an instrument, such as oxygen sensor (wideband
recommended) and/or an analyzer of exhaust gases, to make the
analysis of the air/fuel mixture is extremely important.
Caution, especially in the start-up, is needed, since it is an initial tune
that will meet most engines, there are no guarantees for any situation.
Be extreme cautious when tuning your engine, never requires high
loads before it a good tune.
Start tuning with a rich map and a conservative timing, because starting
with a lean map and advanced timing can severely damage the engine.
To create a default map by FTManager, click the “File” menu and
then “New” to start the wizard. The menu “Engine Settings” will be
passed in sequence.
Check in later chapters the descriptions of all these options required
to complete the step by step and create the default map.
To generate a new map through the touchscreen, just get in a setting
that is empty and a message appears telling you that the setting is
empty and asking if you want to create a new tune.
File Manager 2/2
Ajuste 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Copiar ajuste para:
Ajuste 2
Ajuste 3
Ajuste 5 [Vazio]
Adjust 1 [Blank]
Do you want to run the
con gur atio wizard?
Blank le map!
Do not show this message again
In the first screens of the wizard are the settings for measurement
units used by the ECU. Select the temperature, O2 sensor, pressure
and speed units.
The following screens are part of the engine configuration menus and
are described in the following chapters. Follow the wizard by reading
the next pages.
Measurement Units 1/2
Pressure unit
Temperature unit
Measurement Units 2/2
O2 Sensor unit
Speed unit
7.1 Engine setup
Engine type and number of cylinders
Select the type of engine, piston or rotary and the number of cylinders
or rotors.
Number of
Engine type:
Engine setup 1/6
Piston Engine
Rotary Engine