Version 2.6:190307-Eng
Incorrect IN/OUT
In this example, the user has forgotten to check out the previous day and was accidently
checked out, when he arrived at work. This usually happens, because the terminal
remembers what type of clocking a user has done lastly.
To fix this, you need to add the “Check out” clocking for the previous day and change the
incorrect out, to in.
Click the “Add” (+) button, select what user, what date, time and the type “Out”. Then
press “OK”, and their missing out clocking should exist.
If the user has a work schedule, you can skip this above step and follow the step below, if
you do not wish to add a more specific clocking and just let the software correct this
according to the schedule.
Then, simply right click the incorrect out clocking (the “Out” which sits at the start of the
day) and select “Change to in”.
The clocking should now be correct.