S70-200 IOM
Page 32
In order to obtain maximum com pres sor unit perform ance
and ensure reliable operation, a regular main tenance pro-
gram should be followed.
The compressor unit should be checked daily for leaks, ab-
nor mal vibration, noise, and proper op er a tion. A log should
also be maintained. There should be con tin ued monitor ing
of oil quality and oil analysis testing. In addition, an anal y sis
of the unit’s vibration should be periodic ally made.
Periodic vibration analysis can be useful in detecting bear-
ing wear and other mechanical fail ures. If vibration anal y sis
is used as a part of your pre ven tive main tenance pro gram,
take the fol low ing guide lines into con sid er ation.
1. Al ways take vi bra tion read ings from ex act ly the same
plac es and at ex act ly the same per cent age of load.
2. Use vibration readings taken from the new unit at start-up
as the base line reference.
3. Evaluate vi bra tion read ings care ful ly as the instru ment
range and func tion used can vary. Findings can be easily
mis in ter pret ed.
4. Vibration readings can be in fl u
enced by other equip ment
operating in the vicinity or connected to the same piping as
the unit.
Follow the motor manufacturer’s main te nance recommenda-
tions. See Figure 30.
Make sure the motor bearings are
properly lu bri cat ed before start-up
as required by the motor manuf ac-
High quality refrigeration oil is nec es sary to ensure com-
pressor lon gev i ty and reliability. Oil quality will rap id ly de-
te ri o rate in refrigeration sys tems con tain ing moisture, air,
or other contaminants. In or der to en sure the quality of the
re frig er a tion oil in the com pres sor unit:
1. Only use Frick refrigeration oil or high qual i ty refrigera tion
oil approved by Frick for your application.
2. Only use Frick oil fi lters or those approved by Frick for
your application.
3. Participate in a regular, periodic oil anal y sis program to
maintain oil and system in teg ri ty.
Figure 30