S70-200 IOM
Page 26
When replacing or repairing components which are ex posed
to refrigerant pressure proceed as follows:
1. Push [STOP] key on control panel to shutdown unit.
2. Open disconnect switches for compressor and pump
mo tor starters.
3. Close suction and discharge service valves, also liquid
injection and economizer service valves, if applicable.
4. SLOWLY vent separator to low-side system pressure us-
ing the bypass line on the suction trap. NOTE: Recover or
trans fer all re frig er ant vapor, in ac cor dance with lo cal
or di nanc es, before opening to at mo sphere. The sep a ra tor
MUST be equal ized to at mo spher ic pressure.
Oil en trained refrigerant may va-
por ize, caus ing a sep a ra tor pres-
sure in crease. Re peat vent ing and
re cov ery pro ce dure, if nec es sary.
5. Make replacement or repair.
6. Isolate the low pressure transducer, PE-4, to prevent dam-
age during pressurization and leak test.
7. Pressurize unit and leak test.
8. Evacuate unit.
9. Open suction and discharge service valves, low pres sure
transducer, and also liq uid injection and economizer ser vice
valves, if ap pli ca ble.
10. Close disconnect switches for compressor and oil pump
motor starters.
11. Unit is ready to put into operation.
12. Perform checkpoints on prestart check list, then start unit.
RWB II compressor units are fur nished with one (1) main oil
fi lter (OF-1). A sec ond oil fi lter (OF-2) is in stalled as optional
equipment to fa cil i tate the changing of the fi lter cartridge(s)
without unit shut down.
RWB II compressor units with a prelube oil pump are
fur nished with one (1) main oil injection fi l ter (OF-1) and
one (1) bearing oil fi lter (OF-3). Sec ond ary oil fi l ters are
in stalled as op tion al equip ment to fa cil i tate the chang ing
of the fi l ter cartridges with out unit shut down.
Use of fi lter elements other than
Frick may cause warranty claim
may to be denied.
The procedure to change fi lter cartridge(s) is as follows:
1. If a single oil fi lter is installed, push [STOP] key on
QUAN TUM panel to shutdown unit, then open discon nect
switch es for com pres sor and oil pump motor starters.
If dual oil fi lters are installed, open the outlet, then inlet ser-
vice valves of the standby fi lter.
Open inlet ser vice valve slowly to
prevent a sudden pres sure drop
which could cause an oil fi lter dif-
fer en tial alarm.
2. Close outlet then inlet service valves of fi lter being
ser viced.
3. Open bleed valve and purge pressure from the oil fi lter
cartridge. NOTE: Recover or transfer all refrigerant va por,
in accordance with local ordinances, before open ing to
4. Remove the plug from the bottom of the fi lter canister
and drain the oil. Remove the canister cover and discard the
gas ket. Remove the screws securing the fi lter assembly. Pull
the fi lter assembly from the canister and discard the gasket
and the element.
5. Flush the canister with clean Frick refrigeration oil; wipe
dry with a clean, lint-free cloth; and replace the plug.
6. Install a new element and tighten the nut on the end plate
to 10 ft-lb torque. Then, while holding the nut with a wrench,
apply a second nut to act as a lock nut. Replace the gasket
and reinstall the fi lter assembly into canister, securing with
screws tightened to 7 ft-lb torque. Fill the canister with new
Frick refrigeration oil. Replace the gasket and reinstall the
canister cover. Torque cover bolts fi rst to fi nger tight, then
65 ft-lb, then 130 ft-lb.
DO NOT MIX OILS of different
brands, manufacturers, or types.
Mix ing of oils may cause ex ces sive
oil foam ing, nuisance oil level cut outs, oil pressure
loss, gas or oil leakage and cat a stroph ic compressor
Use only Frick
refrigeration oil
and fi lters or warranty claims may
be denied.
7. Close purge valve.
8. Open outlet service valve and leak test.
9. Filter is ready to place in service.
To clean the full-lube oil pump strainer, the unit must be shut
down. The procedure is as follows:
1. Push [STOP] key on QUANTUM panel to shut down unit,
then open disconnect switches for compressor and oil pump
motor starters.
2. Close strainer inlet service valve.
3. Open drain valve located in the strainer cover and drain
oil into a container.
4. Remove capscrews securing strainer cover, strainer cov er,
gasket and element. Retain gasket.
5. Wash element in solvent and blow clean with air.
6. Wipe strainer body cavity clean with a lint-free clean
7. Replace cleaned element, gasket and reattach cover us ing
retained capscrews.
8. Close drain valve and open strainer inlet service valve.
9. Check for leakage.
10. Close disconnect switches for compressor and oil pump
motor starters.
11. Start unit.