S70-200 IOM
Page 41
The Jordan valve is a high volume, tem-
per a ture-regulating valve that re quires
min i mal differential across the valve to
ensure adequate fl ow for cool ing.
The Jordan valve must be mounted on a
horizontal line with the fl ow ar row point-
ing toward the direction of fl ow. How ev er,
the valve may be mount ed at any angle
per pen dic u lar to the hor i zon tal line, in-
clud ing in vert ed, if nec es sary.
Sensing Bulb, Vertical Mounting -
When the sens ing bulb is to be mount ed vertically (point ing
down), no spe cial pre cau tion is nec es sary. If the bulb is to be
mounted ver ti cal ly, in an in vert ed position, a special cap il lary
is needed be cause the tip of the sensing bulb is higher than
the cap il lary end.
Sensing Bulb, Horizontal Mounting - When mounting the
sensing bulb horizontally it must be mounted so that the
word “TOP” which is stamped on the capillary end of the bulb
ap pears accordingly. NOTE: No angular mounting of the
sens ing bulb is permitted.
Adjustment - To in-
crease the oil tem-
per a ture, increase the
spring tension by turn-
ing the knurled nut at
the base of the spring.
To de crease the oil tem-
per a ture, de crease the
spring tension by turn-
ing the knurled nut at
the base of the spring
(see Figure 40).
Action - The valve
should be set as a re-
verse act ing valve, how-
ev er there are times when the valve may be set as a di rect
acting valve. If you ex pe ri ence what seems to be a total
ab sence of oil cool ing you will need to check the ac tion of
the valve. To check the ac tion you will need to re move the
cap-fl ange and disc-guide.
If the hole in the valve plate is to the left and the slot in the
valve disc is on the top this valve is set for Direct Acting (see
fi g
ure 41). To change the action of the valve to Reverse Act-
ing simply ro tate the valve plate and the valve disc 180° so
that the hole on the plate is on the right and the slot on the
disk is at the bot tom (see fi g ure 42).
Stroke Ad just ment - Af ter the valve ac tion has been changed
it may be nec es sary to make a stroke ad just ment. This
en sures that the full ca pac i ty of the valve is avail able, if nec-
es sary, to keep the oil at the pre de ter mined tem per a ture.
To prepare for a stroke adjustment do the following.
Remove the disc-guide, valve-disc, and valve-plate.
Expose the sensing bulb in a vertical position to an am bi ent
temperature of about 80°F.
Release all spring tension by loosening the knurled nut.
Loosen the disc-pin locking nut and allow at least 10 min-
utes for the valve to react (see fi gure 43).
Figure 40
Figure 41
Figure 43
Rotate the disc-pin so that when the valve-plate is in stalled
the bottom of the pin is between the middle and the bot tom
of the slot.
Hold the coupling with a wrench and tighten the disc-pin
locking nut.
In stall the valve-plate and valve-disk for re verse ac tion (see
fi g
ure 42).
In stall the disk-guide and cap-fl ange.
Increase the spring tension to about 30% by turn ing the
knurled nut at the base of the spring ap prox i mate ly 20
quarter turns.
Fig ure 42