Upgrading Software Images and Configuration Files
December 2008
© 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc.
Use the procedures described in “Upgrading MBRIDGE FPGA on the Management Module” on page 7-19.
If required for this release, upgrade the interface module’s FPGA images.
Use the procedures described in “Upgrading an FPGA for an Interface Module” on page 7-20.
Reboot the management module.
Use the procedures described in “Rebooting the Management Module” on page 7-26.
Downgrading from Version 03.5.00 (or later) to a pre-03.5.00 Version
The procedure for downgrading the software images from version 03.5.00 (or later) to a pre-03.5.00 version are
the same as for previous versions. When performing this upgrade, you should upgrade the Boot, Monitor, and
IronWare images in addition to any FPGA images that need to be upgraded.
The steps for this upgrade include the following:
Determine the versions of the software images currently installed and running on the router.
Use the procedures described in “Displaying Flash Memory and Version Information” on page 7-6. Using this
procedure, you can determine the images currently installed. In particular, you should compare the list of
FPGAs installed against the information contained in the relevant Multi-Service IronWare release notes.
Upgrade the management module’s Monitor and Boot images.
Use the procedures described in “Upgrading the Management Module’s Monitor and Boot Images” on
page 7-14.
Upgrade the management module’s IronWare image.
Use the procedures described in “Upgrading the Management Module’s IronWare Image” on page 7-15.
Upgrade the interface module’s Monitor and Boot images.
Use the procedures described in “Upgrading the Interface Module’s Monitor and Boot Images” on page 7-17.
Upgrade the interface module’s IronWare image.
Use the procedures described in “Upgrading the Interface Module’s IronWare Image” on page 7-18.
If required for this release, upgrade the managment module’s MBRIDGE FPGA image.
Use the procedures described in “Upgrading MBRIDGE FPGA on the Management Module” on page 7-19.
If required for this release, upgrade the Interface module’s FPGA images.
Use the procedures described in “Upgrading an FPGA for an Interface Module” on page 7-20.
Reboot the management module.
Use the procedures described in “Rebooting the Management Module” on page 7-26.
If a NetIron MLX router contains POS interface modules, it should not be downgraded to a Multi-Service
IronWare software release earlier than 03.4.00.
Upgrading from Version 03.5.00 (or later) to a Later Version
The procedure for upgrading the software images from version 03.5.00 (or later) to a later version are somewhat
different than previous upgrades. When performing this upgrade, you will usually only need to upgrade IronWare
image in addition to any FPGA images that need to be upgraded. The Boot and Monitor images will only need to
be upgraded as specifically directed in the relevant release notes.
The steps for this upgrade include the following:
Determine the versions of the software images currently installed and running on the router.
Use the procedures described in “Displaying Flash Memory and Version Information” on page 7-6. Using this
procedure you can determine the images currently installed. In particular, you should compare the list of
FPGAs installed against the information in the relevant Multi-Service IronWare release notes.