Managing the NetIron MLX Series Chassis and Modules
December 2008
© 2008 Foundry Networks, Inc.
The display shows the following information:
Changing the Temperature Polling Interval
By default, the NetIron MLX Series system reads the temperature sensor on each module every 60 seconds. To
change the interval at which the system reads the temperature sensors on each module, enter a command such
as the following at the global CONFIG level of the CLI:
NetIron(config)# temp-poll-period 120
temp-poll-period <seconds>
For the <seconds> parameter, you can specify a value from 30 – 120. You can also specify 0, which disables the
system from polling the temperature sensor on each module.
Manually Setting the Fan Speed
Typically, the management module, in conjunction with default settings of low and high temperature thresholds,
determines the speed of the two four-speed fans. (For information about changing the low and high temperature
thresholds, see “Changing Temperature Thresholds For Modules and Fan Speeds” on page 5-6.) If desired, you
can manually set the speed of the fans. The
command in the Privileged EXEC level of the CLI
allows you to manually set the speed of the fans.
For example, to set the speed of fan 0 to medium-high, enter the following command:
NetIron# set-fan-speed med-hi
set-fan-speed <fan-speed>
For the <fan-speed> parameter, you can specify the following:
auto – The system is adjusted by the monitoring system.
hi – The system sets the fan speed to high.
low – The system sets the fan speed to low.
Table 5.4: Temperature Threshold Information for Modules and Fan Speeds
This Field...
Thermal Sensor Control Block
The temperature threshold information for the various modules.
The <module> parameter indicates the following:
MP – The active management module
STANDBY_MP – The standby management module
SNM – The switch fabric module
LP – An interface module
Fan Speed Low/Med/Med-Hi/Hi
The current setting of the low and high temperature thresholds for
the low, medium, medium-high, and high fan speeds.
As indicated in Table 5.3 on page 5-8, the low fan speed for
each module does not have a default low temperature threshold
value, nor can you configure this value. The “-1” value that appears
in the Fan Speed Low field for each module is a Foundry internal
value only.
State = 0 (FAN_STATE_LOW)
For Foundry internal use only.
shut_off_count = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For Foundry internal use only.