Shutdown checklist
Perform flushing.
Stop the cleaning agent supply and drain the cleaning agent from the system.
Drain water from boiler, solenoid valves, pressure valve, and volume control valve.
1) Close water tap.
2) On the hand terminal choose
> Bo. water > Start?
Dispense water into the mixer
3) Switch off the automatic feeder and disconnect the power plug.
4) Disconnect water hose between water solenoid valve and boiler.
5) Open vent screw on boiler cover and drain boiler.
6) Reattach water hose and tighten vent screw.
Disconnect and dispose of water hose.
Tip out liquid in mixer.
Disconnect hose between teat and feed station valve or mixer. Replace hoses and teats.
Disconnect hose between mixer drain valve and drain channel.
Close cable glands of Ethernet Connection with dummy plugs.
Close antenna connection with locks.
Clean outside of automatic feeder with damp cloth.
Empty milk powder container.
Remove powder container safety grid.
Basic cleaning of milk powder container and dosing unit.
Seal off the cleaning agent.