Typical TriplePlay Setups (cont’d)
The most common way to use TriplePlay is to connect to a computer using the wireless receiver for MIDI
sounds and an audio interface for traditional guitar sounds. (If you’re not clear on how the two types of sounds
differ, read MIDI vs. traditional guitar.) This setup requires a separately purchased computer to audio interface.
*Windows installations may require a low latency audio driver - consult the Windows TriplePlay Software
Bundle Installation Guide for more details.
If you only want to control MIDI sounds, you can omit the audio interface and audio cables. This method
requires only one USB connection.
If your computer has an internal sound card, you can also connect your guitar’s output directly to your
computer’s audio input using a simple audio connector. This is an easy way to explore TriplePlay, though most
users eventually opt for the improved sound and performance of a dedicated audio interface.
TriplePlay wirelessly
transmits MIDI data.
Audio signal sent
to computer via
audio interface
TriplePlay receiver
Computer running
TriplePlay software
Audio out to
headphones or
Computer running
TriplePlay software
TriplePlay wirelessly
transmits MIDI data.
TriplePlay receiver
Audio out to
headphones or
TriplePlay receiver
Guitar audio to
computer audio input via
1/4” and 1/8” audio adapter
TriplePlay wirelessly
transmits MIDI data.
Computer running
TriplePlay software
Audio out to
headphones or