• Touch Sensitivity.
There are 10 possible settings, Fingerstyle 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and Pick 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
(Higher numbers signify greater sensitivity.) Choose the option that best matches your playing style.
• Sound Parameters.
There is an identical set of four controls for each of the Synth channels plus the
Pedal channel.
Defi nes how TriplePlay interprets pitches that “fall between” the frets, such as bent notes.
There are four options:
i. Auto
TriplePlay ignores small pitch discrepancies, but if a pitch change seems more deliberate, as
in a note-bend, the virtual instrument reproduces your bend.
ii. Trigger.
Here TriplePlay uses no pitch bends. If, for example, you bend the note C up to D-fl at,
TriplePlay interprets this as two separate notes with two distinct attacks. (This is often the best choice
when mimicking traditional keyboard instruments such as piano and organ, which can’t produce pitch
iii. Smooth.
TriplePlay interprets bent notes as pitch bends rather than newly plucked notes and
does not pitch-correct them. If, for example, you bend C up to D-fl at, you hear the note C slide up to
D-fl at without a second note attack, and the D-fl at mirrors the pitch of the note you produce, even if
it’s not perfectly in tune.
iv. Stepped.
Here TriplePlay rounds off every note to the nearest half-step. It interprets bent notes
as pitch bends rather than newly plucked notes, and rounds the bent pitch to the nearest half-step.
If, for example, you bend C up to D-fl at, you hear the note C slide up to D-fl at without a second note
attack, and the D-fl at will be perfectly in tune, even if your bend is not.
You can transpose each Synth channel independently. Adjustable by ±1-24, with 1 represent-
ing a half-step, and 24 representing the maximum transposition of two octaves. (You might, for example,
dial in a setting of -12 for a bass tone to obtain notes below the regular range of the guitar, or a setting of
+12 for a fl ute sound above the guitar’s range.)
• Dynamic Sensitivity.
Controls how TriplePlay interprets volume variations in your playing. MIDI instruments
interpret volume on a scale of 0 to 127. With Dynamic Sensitivity on its maximum setting of +10, you get maxi-
mum dynamic range: Your loudest notes transmit a value close to 127 (as loud as possible), and your softest
notes are closer to 0 (silence). With Dynamic Sensitivity at its center setting of 0, every note transmits a fi xed value
of 64: No matter how hard or soft you play, all notes have the same level.
• Dynamic Offset.
Shifts the entire dynamic scale (as defi ned by the Dynamic Sensitivity control) by ±64. The
relative dynamic values are unchanged — everything gets louder or softer depending on the setting. (This would
be useful if, say, you wanted a fi xed-volume sound at a dynamic level other than the default value of 64.)
4. Current Patch.
With Current Patch selected, the pop-up window displays the name of the active patch. Here
you can scroll between adjacent patches using the D-Pad’s up and down switches.