The Mixer Area (cont’d)
The six mixer channels share similar sets of controls.
A. Plug-In buttons.
Click to open the Plug-In Select window,
where you can choose a VGR or VI for each channel. (The Master
channel has no plug-in button.)
B. Channel names.
These fi xed labels specify whether the chan-
nel hosts guitar plug-ins (VGRs), synth/sampler plug-ins (VIs), or a
synth/sampler with a sustain pedal.
C. Channel faders.
Virtual sliders for setting the volume of each
D. Level meters.
Realtime display of each channel’s volume.
E. Numerical meters.
Realtime display of each channel’s
volume in decibels (dB).
F. Panning controls.
Positions each channel in the stereo fi eld from left to right. (The Master channel has
no panning control.)
G. Solo buttons.
When a Solo button is active on a channel, all other channels are temporarily muted.
Multiple Solo buttons may be simultaneously active. (The Master channel has no Solo Button.) However, the
Guitar channel’s Solo status is independent from solo settings on the other mixer channels.
H. Mute buttons.
Clicking a Mute button temporarily silences a channel. Multiple Mute buttons may be
simultaneously active. However, the Guitar channel’s mute status is independent from mute settings on the
other mixer channels.
Plug-In Select Window
Click-hold any of the mixer’s plug-in buttons to open a list of available virtual instru-
ment plug-ins. (Until you’ve performed the plug-in scan procedure, you’ll see only
the names of the plug-ins that came bundled with TriplePlay, and not any other
compatible VST plug-in you may have on your system.)
Select the name of any plug-in to load it. Once you do, a Plug-In Edit window
opens. You can also open a plug-in edit window at any time by double-clicking on
any active plug-in button.
Here you can also choose the option of controlling a MIDI-compatible external
synth. The external synth control parameters appear in a specialized TriplePlay
Parameters panel.
The plug-ins bundled with TriplePlay appear here automatically. So will any other compatible VST-format plug-
ins on your system, though you must fi rst perform a plug-in scan so TriplePlay can recognize this software.
(The procedure is explained in Scanning for installed plug-ins.)