The Fretboard/Edit Splits area (cont’d)
fi gure 18 -
Here the Synth 1 and Synth 2
zones are highlighted, making their handles
fi gure 19 -
Here the Synth 3 and Synth 4
zones are highlighted, making their handles
fi gure 20 -
Here the Synth 1/Synth 2 and
Synth 3/Synth 4 zones overlap. Notes played
between the fi fth and tenth frets trigger
notes from two synth channels.
fi gure 21-
Here the Synth 1/Synth 2 and
Synth 3/Synth 4 zones overlap. There are
different string splits for the two pairs of
zones. Notes played between the fi fth and
tenth fret on the top two string trigger Synth
1 and Synth 3. Notes played between the fi fth
and tenth fret on the middle two strings play
Synth 1 and Synth 4. And notes played between the fi fth and tenth fret on the lower two strings play Synth 2
and Synth 4.
Plug-In Version of TriplePlay
When you use TriplePlay as a plug-in within a DAW program, such
as Presonus’s Studio One, the TriplePlay Perform window appears
much like it does when using the program in standalone mode.
The only difference: an upper frame, whose exact appearance
varies from DAW to DAW. This area often provides access to host-
based functions, such loading and saving presets. Please refer to
your DAW documentation for more details. Some menu functions
may be grayed out in plug-in mode.
The photo to the right
(fi gure 22)
is how TriplePlay appears as a
fi gure 18
fi gure 19
fi gure 20
fi gure 21
fi gure 22