The Menu Tree
This is a system of nested menus that largely duplicate functions from the main interface with two important
exceptions. Note that two Global parameters Tune Base and Pitch Bend Range are not accessible anywhere
but the Menu Tree through use of the D-Pad on your controller. Here in the Menu Tree, you can display and
edit these and other menu settings via the TriplePlay controller’s D-Pad buttons.
You access these nested menus by pressing the left button (from the player’s per-
spective) on the controller’s four-way D-Pad buttons.
Press the right D-Pad button to go a level deeper in the menu hierarchy, and the
left button to step back a level. Change specifi c values with the top button (to
step up an increment) or the bottom button (to step down). To close the Menu
Tree, press the left button twice.
1. Tuner (Options: On or Off).
Here you can switch between Sensitivity/
Tuner views via the controller.
2. Global Parameters
Here you can set the sensitivity independently for each string on a scale of 1 to 16, with 1 rep-
resenting minimum sensitivity and 16 representing maximum sensitivity. This is one of the ways you calibrate
TriplePlay to suit your playing style. (Guitarists with a light touch generally prefer higher settings, while play-
ers with a heavier touch usually opt for less sensitivity.)
Bend Range
(±1-24). Specifi es how TriplePlay interprets note-bend messages. It’s scaled in half-steps,
with a maximum setting of 24, or two octaves. (You’ll probably leave this control at its default setting of 12,
since that’s the setting that works best with TriplePlay’s factory library.)
3. Patch Parameters
• Poly Mode.
Can be set On or Off, with Off signifying Mono mode. In Poly mode, all neck and fret splits
are disabled, and the plug-in on Synth 1 is the only instrument heard. In Mono Mode, all Synth channels are
available, and you can assign each one to a specifi c part of the neck using the Edit Split controls.
• Lower Split.
Displays the fret range of the lower fret split, as specifi ed in the Edit Split controls. It is not
editable via this window.
• Upper Split.
Displays the fret range of the upper fret split, as specifi ed in the Edit Split controls. It is not
editable via this window.
• Hold Mode.
Specifi es how TriplePlay interprets sustain messages sent to virtual instruments on the Pedal
channel. There are four options:
Hold (up)
In this mode, holding the pedal suspends MIDI input, but sustains any MIDI notes that were
sounding when the pedal was pressed. This is useful for, say, playing a sustained chord with one sound
and then soloing over it with another sound.
Hold (down).
Like Hold (up) mode, only in reverse: You hear the secondary sound while the pedal is
pressed, and the primary sound when it is released.
Not really a hold mode at all, but a quick way to switch between two sounds. The secondary
sound plays as long as the pedal is pressed, and the primary sound returns once the pedal is released.
When you press the pedal, TriplePlay starts recording your MIDI performance, and stops
recording when you press the pedal again. When you press the pedal a third time, TriplePlay replays the
phrase you recorded and continues to loop it until you press the pedal again.