Hardware Mode Patches
Once booted in Hardware Mode, users can move up and down between Hardware Mode Patches using the UP
and DOWN D-Pad controls on the TriplePlay controller. Over 200 Hardware Mode Patches can be saved to the
TriplePlay Controller using the Fishman TriplePlay standalone software. Note that the software does not have
to be on or running for the TriplePlay to be used in Hardware Mode, but the software is an excellent utility for
setting the parameters of your individual Hardware Mode Patches.
Each hardware patch contains parameter information that will tell your
TriplePlay how to behave when it is used in Hardware Mode. Splits can
be created, just as with your software synth patches, and each split will
be assigned the parameters detailed in its specifi c synth channel. All
of the parameters available are detailed in this user guide, in the sec-
tion detailing the TriplePlay Parameters panel (External Synth), with
one notable exception. POLY and MONO modes are not able to be
specifi ed in multiple Hardware Mode Patches. If you use the Load
Controller function (below) to load Hardware Mode Patches onto your
TriplePlay controller, all patches will default to the MONO / POLY set-
ting in the fi rst patch of your load list. The fi gure
(fi gure12)
shows a
external synth loaded into Synth 1, within TriplePlay standalone soft-
ware. This indicates that any notes occupied by the region in purple,
in your fi ngerboard splits, will have the parameter settings you save in
this parameter menu, once the patch is loaded into your controller and is
activated. This includes the corresponding program change and other MIDI commands created in the bottom
of the menu. These parameter settings can be made for each region, if you wish, or you can have only a single
region active.
Once a patch is created, save it to your User Patches list.
Load Controller: Loading Hardware Mode Patches from TriplePlay Standalone Software
(fi gure 13)
shows the Load Controller button within
TriplePlay’s standalone software. This button is found in the
Browse Patches dialog window, which is accessed by pressing
the Browse Patches button within the Patch Readout area of
the TriplePlay software. When this button is pressed, the soft-
ware will send a list of Hardware Mode Patches to your Triple-
Play controller. The list is created from the User Patches list in
the exact order it is shown on your screen. For this reason, it
is important to organize the User Patch list into the arrange-
ment that best suits your Hardware Mode needs, prior to us-
ing the Load Controller button. After the controller is loaded
(and your controller can be loaded whether or not you are
booted into Hardware Mode), and you boot your TriplePlay
hardware into Hardware Mode, your device will start with the
parameters created in the fi rst patch in your user list, and the
patches can be navigated using the UP and DOWN controls
on the D-Pad on your controller.
fi gure 12
fi gure 13