The Plug-In Edit Window
There are two parts to each Plug-In Edit window: The main area con-
tains the plug-in’s edit screen. Attached to the left side of this fi eld
is the TriplePlay Parameters panel, where you specify how TriplePlay
conveys your performance to the plug-in.
The main edit area varies from plug-in to plug-in. For more specifi cs,
consult the documentation that accompanies the plug-in.
The TriplePlay Parameters Panel
The TriplePlay Parameters panel is attached to the left side each plug-in interface window. (Note that it du-
plicates many of the controls found in the Menu Tree.) It appears in several versions, depending on whether
the plug-in is installed on a Synth channel or the Pedal channel, and whether it’s controlling an external synth.
Meanwhile, plug-ins loaded into the Guitar channel have no TriplePlay Parameters panel, because these con-
trols pertain only to MIDI data, not audio signals.
First, the TriplePlay Parameters panel as it appears on the four Synth channels when controlling a software
virtual instrument:
TriplePlay Parameters panel - Synth (Mixer Channels 1-4)
The controls, from top to bottom:
• MIDI Mode selector.
Switchable between Mono and Poly. In Poly mode, all neck and
fret splits are disabled, and the plug-in on Synth 1 is the only available instrument. In
Mono mode, all synth channels are available, and you can assign each one to a specifi c
part of the neck using the Edit Split controls.
• Touch Sensitivity control.
Sets the dynamic response independently for each
patch. (Even after you’ve set your perfect string sensitivity via the Menu Tree, you may
choose to vary the response from patch to patch.) The further you move the slider to-
ward the right, the greater the touch sensitivity.
Pick/Fingerstyle selector.
Optimizes the touch response for pick or fi ngerstyle playing.
Sustain Pedal
. If you’ve confi gured a MIDI controller as a sustain pedal, checking
the Block new MIDI notes option suspends MIDI input. This would be useful if, say, you
wanted to hold a sustained organ chord while soloing over it a guitar sound in the
Guitar channel without adding new MIDI notes to the sustained chord.
Sound badge
. Displays the Mixer channel to which the plug-in is assigned. Not editable.
Dynamics Sensitivity slider.
Controls how TriplePlay interprets volume variations in your playing. MIDI instru-
ments interpret volume on a scale of 0 to 127. With Dynamic Sensitivity on its rightmost setting, you get maxi-
mum dynamic range — your loudest notes transmit a value close to 127 (as loud as possible), and your softest
notes are closer to 0 (silence). With the slider at its leftmost setting, every note transmits a fi xed value of 64: No
matter how heavily or lightly you play, all notes have the same level. (This is useful when mimicking instruments
whose tone doesn’t change according to how hard to you play, such as organs and harpsichords.)
Dynamics Offset slider.
Shifts the entire dynamic scale (as defi ned by the Dynamic Sensitivity slider) by ±64.
The relative dynamic values are unchanged — everything gets louder or softer depending on the setting. (This
would be useful if, say, you wanted a fi xed-volume sound at a dynamic level other than the default setting of 64.)