Text in quotes refer to a Synergy parameter or function, for example "Start Time"
i-synergy = synergy Class 10 current, i-rated = synergy Class20 / Class30 current, i-motor = motor current
[ SGY1051400 SGY2070000 SGY3023400 ]
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
Range( 0.25 x PNU25728 ) 25% I-motorA-
( 1 x PNU25728 ) 100% I-motorA
Default ( 0.25 x PNU25728 ) 25% I-motorA Type
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
100 ( 64 hex ) 100ms
9000 ( 2328 hex ) 9000ms
100 ( 64 hex ) 100ms
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
Range( 0.5 x PNU25728 ) 50% I-motorA-
( 4.5 x PNU25792 ) 450% I-synergyA
Default ( 3.5 x PNU25728 ) 350% I-motorA Type
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
1 ( 1 hex ) 1s
600 ( 258 hex ) 600s
30 ( 1E hex ) 30s
PNU Number
PNU Name
PNU Format
PNU Note
Range( 1 x PNU25728 ) 100% I-motorA -
( 4.5 x PNU25792 ) 450% I-synergyA
Default( 4.5 x PNU25792 ) 450% I-synergyAType
27584 ( 6BC0 hex )
The current in Amps that will cause a "Shearpin Trip"
Shearpin Trip Current
A trip will occur if the motor current is greater than the "Trip Level" for the "Trip Time"
16 bit unsigned
Linear Scaling (1 = 1mA)
Current (A) = (Value / 1000)
26944 ( 6940 hex )
The maximum time allowed for the current limit.
Start Current Limit Time
If the current limit is still active at the end of this period the Unit will either 'Trip' or 'continue'
16 bit unsigned
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 1 s )
26880 ( 6900 hex )
The current in Amps at which the soft Start ramp is held.
Start Current Limit Level
Normally set to 350% of motor FLC. Increase if motor fails to accelerate at required rate
16 bit unsigned
The "Current Limit Level" will effect actual time to start. If set too low the motor may not accelerate to full speed.
Linear Scaling (1 = 1mA)
Current (A) = (Value / 1000)
26368 ( 6700 hex )
The trip time for the Low current trip
Low Current Trip Time
A trip will occur if the motor current is less than the "Trip Level" for the "Trip Time"
16 bit unsigned
Linear Scaling ( 1 = 1 ms )
26304 ( 66C0 hex )
The current in Amps that will cause a trip
Low Current Trip Level
A trip will occur if the motor current is less than the "Trip Level" for the "Trip Time"
16 bit unsigned
Linear Scaling (1 = 1mA)
Current (A) = (Value / 1000)
MAN-SGY-012-V11 EC 5195
Fairford Electronics Ltd - Synergy Modbus RTU Programming Manual - 22nd February 2016
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